
DEX Songwriter Expo 2019

Whole building

We believe in Hungarian songwriters and we believe that for the success of songwriting it is essential to connect the talented authors of the Central European region with each other and with the world. For this reason, we will organize the second Songwriter Expo on February 18-19, 2019, where creators will be able to get inspired, gain new knowledge and form new relationships. Due to the success of the first Expo in 2018, the next one will be two-day long. Hence, visitors can choose from more programs, take a peek into the professional secrets of foreign and Hungarian songwriters and music specialists during lectures, workshops or individual consultations. In addition to the first Expo's most popular programs, we will also introduce new ones and bring many current topics.

In February 2019, Budapest will become the capital of songwriting for two days. We believe your place is right there!

Tickets available at exclusively.

2019 February 19 Tuesday